Our Proactive Services

From Vulnerabiltity Management solutions to Penetration Testing, we have you covered.

Penetration Testing is a proactive exercise to help identify the more obscure vulnerablilities affecting your organisation’s assets and infrastructure that the scans may miss. Penetration Test results are vital in order to properly understand your organisation’s risk and plan risk management strategies in order to better defend against a cyber attack.

Cyber Attack Resilience is a review of your procedures in place for dealing with the eventual inevitable successful cyber attack. Oxford Systems can provide an independent review of the procedures that your business has in place to minimise the effects of a successful attack and offer our expert advice on how to refine and improve them to better respond when the inevitable happens.

Regular Vulnerability Scans are an excellent way to start to understand the security posture of your business. While not as in-depth as a Penetration Test, they provide a much more continuous view and broader perspective of vulnerabilities impacting your organisation. They can also help you identify improvements for policies such as with patch management.

The human element is often the weakest link in organisations. Security awareness training helps to teach employees to be vigilant. To give a greater effectiveness, phishing awareness practice to compliement the training and visibility of how well reactive processes are understood by staff, Social Engineering Assessments are a must. This can include both phishing exercises and onsite office access attempts to determine how effective training has been.

Understanding where your assets, data and IP begins and ends has become much harder in the modern age. With shadow IT, cloud-based third party services, online code repositories and employees all fighting the technical safegaurds, leakage of data or exposure of assets is unfortunately very common. Attack Surface Mapping attempts to locate any trace of your organisation’s data and assets online and reports it back to you so you can take control of it once again.

Effective cyber security is one of the 21st century’s greatest challenges for business. In the digital age, executives and senior managers need to fully understand what cyber security is and how it impacts upon them and their businesses. Businesses need guidance on the practical steps of incorporating good cyber security practices into their workplaces. Our dedicated Cyber security team can assess the needs of your business and determine the most cost effective way of securing your information whilst reducing your risk.

Thinking about training for executives or staff?

This course is perfect for managers and executives seeking to understand Cyber security and the impact it has on their organisation and working practices. The course provides the foundation knowledge required to understand cyber security and the issues faced by companies operating in the digital arena.

The media,through their coverage of high-profile attacks, and attention from all levels of government has made cybersecurity a familiar term. However, many executives do not know the depth of its meaning or what to do about it. This has caused many managers to take notice, but made it hard for them to act. They are advised to assess their risk, but may do not know how.

This is for CEO’s, CCO’s, CFO’s, C-suite and Directors who need to fully understand the cyber threat landscape and how it may impact upon their organisation.

Businesses need guidance on the practical steps of embedding good cyber security practices into workplaces. We operate in a constantly changing environment with zero day attacks a real threat to our organisations. In this landscape, we must assess the security risk and financially justify the steps taken to mitigate these threats. You need the support of the board and senior managers to deploy a suitable mitigation strategy.

Format: A one day interactive workshop led by Dr John McCarthy PhD a Senior Certified Cyber Professional – Security And Information Risk Advisor

The Insurance industry is taking a hard look at the NIS Directive in terms of where they see the risk balance between themselves and essential services organisations. Remediation activity to comply with NIS requirements will be considered favourably, whilst non-compliance may leave businesses without cover. Similarly, directors should consider the personal liability that falls upon them for any critical infrastructure disruption that occurs and the reputational damage that could ensue.

Oxford Systems Social Engineering training is unique in the fact that instead of just reeling off a series of disturbing statistics and creating a climate of fear, we offer a long-term solution to social engineering attacks that also trains your staff in the safe use of technology both in and out of the workplace.

The program has been developed by world renowned authority on Cyber Security Dr John McCarthy Ph.D. B.Sc. (hons) MBCS. This is achieved by training your staff in 2 key Social Engineering attack counter measures. The practices are simple to understand and adopt.

Presenting cyber security to the board can be challenging as often board members do not have a good understanding of cyber security. This masterclass will enable attendees to present at board level and gain support for cyber security initiatives and programs.

This Introduction to Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) course will provide delegates with skills to become more efficient and effective at finding those key pieces of intelligence that threat actors may use to exploit their organization. This course is a foundation for building effective threat intelligence for your organization. The course is highly practical allowing delegates the time to explore and understand some of the tools and websites available.

Obtaining SSCP certification is a great way to progress your career and improve the security of your organization’s digital assets. Undertaking SSCP training and certification proves you have advanced technical skills and knowledge. Knowledge that will be valuable to you and your employer so you can implement, monitor, and administer IT infrastructure using security best practices, policies, and procedures.

This course is not delivered as a boot camp or exam preparation course. This course should be taken many months in advance of your exam booking. It will not substitute the considerable amount of self-study that all delegates need to undertake.

CISSP is perfect for professionals aiming for senior roles in cyber security. CISSP training and certification proves you have the skills to effectively design, implement, and manage cybersecurity in an organization.

This course is not delivered as a boot camp or exam preparation course. This course should be taken many months in advance of your exam booking. It will not substitute the considerable amount of self-study that all delegates need to undertake.

Looking to become Certified? We can help!

Our Certified Services

Oxford Systems are a Certification Body, who have been trained and are licensed by ‘The IASME Consortium’ or IASME to help you become certified.

Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials is a Government backed and industry supported scheme assisting businesses in protecting themselves against the threat of cyber attacks, and provides you certification demonstrating to your partners, customers and regulators that you take cyber security seriously.

IASME Cyber Assurance – Self Assessed

IASME Cyber Assurance level 1 is risk based and includes key aspects of security such as incident response, asset management, people management, physical controls and GDPR compliance.

IASME Cyber Assurance – Audited

IASME Cyber Assurance Level 2 involves an audit of your processes, procedures and controls required by the standard. The audit is independent and conducted by an IASME Certification Body and Assessor.

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